Necrocock – Křivoklátské martyrium (2018)
1. Zrození nemodlenky
2. Forenzní hypnotizér
3. Stoupám k Oupoři
4. Boromějka narkotizérka
5. Hraju na hydraulofon
6. Zvíkovecké harmonium
7. U buližníkových skal
8. V Luhu
9. Pátrám pod Amalínem
10. Otýlie hárá
11. V sakrální ložnici
12. Smrt v Hospodě u šesti trampů
13. Početí
14. Nemodlenka létá
15. Sluneční pokoj
16. Zpívej, zpívej studánko
17. Liščí neděle
new detective album out now
Nazaru Bokaz
artwork by F.Štorm
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Příběh se odehrává v neurčité době na Křivoklátsku, kam jsem pozván k vyšetření několika záhadných vražd, které začaly vraždou místního zubaře.
Brzy po příjezdu jsem však okouzlen místní dívkou Nazaru. Dojde k milostnému vzplanutí a naprostému pohlcení pohlavním chtíčem. O objasnění vražd ztrácím zájem a na místech činu se místo šetření se svou milou raději zašitý ve křoví věnujeme mrouskání a četným kopulacím. Různě se také proměňujeme, například v pstruhy nebo obojživelníky, kteří v podvodních jezírcích hrají na speciální podvodní nástroje a během jedné noční plavby dokonce počneme můru Nemodlenku, která je vlastně do všech těch podivných vražd zapojena. Na konci příběhu mě lišky vylákají na kalendární horu pod záminkou osvětlení všech případů, ale je to past a místo pomoci potrestají mou neschopnost cokoliv vyšetřit tím, že mě usmrtí vtáhnutím do své nory.
Během šetření se dostáváme na krásná místa tohoto kouzelného hájemství, ať už jsou to Skryjská jezírka, Nezabudický mlýn, Branovský Luh, myslivna Emilovna, Svatá, Týřov, Oupořské údolí, blázinec Leontýn, slavná Zvíkovecká hospoda, Velíz a jiné.
Tom Necrocock
The story takes place at an undefined time in Křivoklát area where I am invited to investigate several mysterious murders which began by the murder of the local dentist.
However soon after my arrival I am enchanted by the local girl Nazaru. The thrill of infatuation develops and the total sexual desire engulfed us. I’m losing the interest of murder cases explanation and at the crime scene I better fondle and devote to many copulations in the bushes with my loved one instead of the investigation. We also variously transform – for example into the trouts or amphibians which play the special underwater instruments under the subaqueous lakelets and during one night sail we even conceive ‚Nemodlenka the moth‘ which in fact is connected to all those strange murders. At the story end the foxes lure me on the calendar mountain under the pretense of the all cases explanation but it is a trap and instead of help they punish my inability to investigate anything the way they kill me by the dragging me in their burrow.
During the investigation we get to the beautiful places of this magical game reserve whether they are Skryje’s lakes, Nezabudice’s mill, Luh of Branov, The gamekeeper’s lodge Emilovna, Svatá (The Saint), Týřov, the valley of Oupoř, the Leontýn asylum, the famous Zvíkovec’s saloon, Velíz and others.
Tom Necrocock
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Necrocock‘ investigating commission
Pro zanícené necrofilatelisty vydávám tentokrát 18 známek, oslavující nové, detektivní album.
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only 18 detective stamps for passionate philatelists.
Necrocock – The torment of Křivoklát /2018/
1. The birth of Nemodlenka (Intro)
2. Forensic hypnotist
3. Rising to Oupoř
4. Borromeo-nun the narcotist
5. Playing the hydraulophone
6. The harmonium of Zvíkovec
7. By the chert rocks
8. V Luhu (In Grassland)
9. Searching under Amalín
10. Otýlie on period
11. In the sacral bedchamber
12. The death in the saloon At The Six tramps (Ukulele song)
13. Conception
14. Nemodlenka’s flying
15. The solar room
16. Sing, sing, waterhole
17. The fox Sunday
Forensic hypnotist
The vaporizer is smouldering, the forensic hypnotist in hammock is swinging.
Rising to Oupoř
I’m rising to Oupoř, driven by instinct.
Stealing out the hawfinches’s and woodcocks’s nests.
I’m rising to Oupoř, leaving the grassland.
The black stork’s stiffening his long phallus.
By the Nine-lobed Dentaria (Dentaria enneaphyllos)
the child runny stool is drying out.
In the cave shelter we’ll spend the night.
In this hunting ground we’re losing the might.
Who’s camping out there, isn’t it delusion?
In beige cloak he’s hammering the cask.
Skillfully it is beaten of boards and hooks.
Under the nest is a hidden child grave.
I don’t care ‚bout that case anymore.
We want to fondle here, you investigate on.
Borromeo-nun the narcotist
Borromeo-nun the narcotist possesses me.
Borromeo-nun the narcotist puts me to sleep.
Inhalationally given enfluran is decomposing.
Hypnotically squinting owl helps her.
Hermetically sealed wrapping, groundwater.
I’m floating away.
Borromeo-nun the narcotist possesses me.
Borromeo-nun the narcotist puts me to sleep.
Into the air on the lucid river, under old stokehold
I’m floating away.
Playing the hydraulophone
I’m sitting at the waterhole bottom,
playing the hydraulophone.
Among the bubbly tones
I overhear funeral chorus.
At pilgrimage shrine
a bit behind the provostry.
Into the fermenting corpse
larvae, flies are gathering.
On Velíz in waterhole I compose.
Ice melting, bloating.
Phallus sticking in my loved one
instead of investigating.
From the waterhole, in the forest chapel
I hear your crystallophone.
Judicial entomologist’s striding,
takes over that murder.
The harmonium of Zvíkovec
My loved one doped herself
behind the Týřov’s wall.
Bella-donna, henbane,
the shadow in bramble.
My loved one poisoned herself
in Grassland under thorns.
Eagle-owl’s hooting
towards Nezabudice’s mill.
It’s getting dark above Emilovna,
black yews know,
who sleeps in gamekeeper’s lodge
near three balls.
Yesterday I woke up
behind the Leontýn’s wall.
Storks’re still asleep
in the night of madness.
I discovered the harmonium
in the wooden shed,
painted with blood,
laid out next to latrine.
Pandemonium of Týřov
revealed in Skryje,
at the waterfalls.
The torment of Křivoklát
born in the woods,
at the crossroads
of deathly falls.
Yesterday I drowned
a short way from Skryje.
oooh, oooh.
At night I got lost
in a rotten punt.
oooh, oooh.
By the chert rocks
I had a strange accident
by the chert rocks.
I slept in Svatá at that time,
investigated the death.
It’s thundering in Tkalec’s corner,
a girl was found after six o’clock.
Reek of dead frogs in waterholes.
Death, musk, decomposition around.
The trace leads to Branov’s Door.
We’ll have breakfast in the guesthouse.
I had a strange accident
by the chert rocks.
I made up a mossy bed,
aquatic dog bit me.
Suddenly, out of the blue
the fight began. And I was standing
with a bloody tissue. woof, woof, woof.
V Luhu (In Grassland)
We’re copulating naked
in Grassland, we’re like trouts.
We’re spawning at Nezabudice.
Fry will hatch out,
swim bladder.
We’re flying ‚cross weirs,
hunting insect.
We’re illuminating in the darkness,
through feverish night.
Delight is ruffled only
by frothy catfish blood.
Someone’s drowning in the distance,
the other one’s covering his tracks.
That face I know
from somewhere.
Case gets turnaround.
Gamekeeper from Branov’s Door.
Blinded by delight
we’re copulating on.
We’re dead by the pleasure,
really, cross my heart.
He’s hiding the body under the rotten punt.
Searching under Amalín
I’m searching under Amalín for a local dentist.
Restless ‚cause of your crotch, I’m failing to do anything.
Local villagers reek of naphthalene.
Together with Marbulín we welcome early spring.
Otýlie on her period
Tracks lead to the mountains,
we’re running for the train.
Otýlie’s on her period,
we’re carrying a pouch.
Using the forensic equipment
we’ll read in the blood,
we’ll have a coitus in the coupe [aaaaah],
we’ll go for a snack. [yum yum yum]
Then we’ll have a snooze [zzzzz]
and read the file through,
Klára’s getting married,
syphilis’s floating in the air.
Otýlie’s on her period, I feel fear from blood.
Klára’s getting married, torture in the mountains.
Black cockroach’s crawling out of the funeral clothing.
Sometimes it happens when the poppy is reaped.
In the sacral bedchamber
Blood is flowing everywhere.
The forest is full of intestines.
You’ll be killing
with Nemodlenka.
Conceived in Skryje’s waterhole.
Laid in the dental waiting room.
Bruised in the rectal area.
Unleashed in the sacral bedchamber,
larval. Feels the strong compulsion,
when the wayfarer gets hurt in the forest,
then she dreams about the bestial slaughtering
on the paths while night roaming.
Blood is flowing everywhere.
The forest is full of intestines.
You’ll be killing
with Nemodlenka.
The death in the saloon At The Six tramps (Ukulele song)
Who knows, who knows, who hunts the tramps here.
Who knows, who knows, who shoots them from the punt boat.
Who knows, who knows, who hunts the tramps here.
Who knows, who knows, who keeps the punt boats convoy in Luh.
I’m rowing silently
with Nazaru to the cave.
I’ll slowly sail through
the branches past the waterholes.
I smell reek of the dead animals.
The marshland obstructs the way forward.
We won’t manage the morning ceremony in time.
The river confluence, death and decomposition.
I’m discovering the corpses under the leaves,
soaked with a night rain.
The device shining in the moonlight.
These are the dental pliers.
The conceiving night is ending.
You’ll be born in the moth body.
In the dentist’s office,
by the parish subsidiary.
You will live by the forest deaths,
you will suck the larvae of the bark,
you’ll take over the torture.
You’ll drink my tinctures.
The morning does not augur well.
Neverending rains.
The heliactic constellations are disappearing.
Solve the case on your own.
[more, more]
Nemodlenka’s flying
Nemodlenka’s flying,
speaking with a voice of the missing.
She’s already undressing him in the grass.
She found him wounded.
It’s dawning in the valleys,
something evil happened.
She’s still stabbing him,
they’ve already found him dead.
The solar room
the solar room…
the solar room…
When he’s flying ‚cross the archipelago,
suddenly’s changing the time.
Instead of the heat
he brings us the permanent freeze.
He’s reflecting in the benzine steams
above the valley,
except the denouement he brings
the sweet icecream.
the solar room…
the solar room…
Sing, sing, waterhole
Another discovery from the stable where he was stabbed to death.
Coronary artery was affected by the fatal spasm.
Sing, sing, waterhole, what happened then.
They found his heart – mummified.
They found also grave, where he was buried.
The place was totally tamped behind the stable.
Sing, sing, waterhole, by whom he was disemboweled.
Who came from the mountains to us and whether the peace will come.
The fox Sunday
Guardian of the underground
maidens shrines!
Creator of the sepulchral
We’ll meet on the calendar mountain.
I will tell you about all the deaths in the burrow.
Tomorrow is the fox Sunday.
Bake the pretzels sooner than the children get out of bed!
You will learn about all the dead girls.
About the secret shelters after their night roams.
ooh, ooh, we’ll meet…
ooh, ooh, on the calendar mountain…
ooh, ooh, pull me out now…
ooh, ooh, foxes – quit horsing around…
translated by Nazaru Bokaz
GummiStudio Y-Prague
October 2018
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